Timely seminars and high level events help promote reform. Events are ordered chronologically and include an impressive number of influential speakers from around the world.
Durban Side Event
On Wednesday 7 December, the Friends of Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform group and the IISD’s Global Subsidies Initiative held a side-event to the UNFCCC meeting in Durban. The side-event considered how international initiatives to reduce inefficient fossil fuel subsidies hold significant promise for climate change mitigation.
Invited guests joined Ministers,OECD Environment Director Simon Upton, G20 members and senior officials to learn about recent international research on the scale of fossil fuel subsidies; how the reform of inefficient fossil fuel subsidies overlaps with UNFCCC processes and objectives; and how countries such as Costa Rica and Ethiopia have successfully managed to reform fossil fuel subsidies.
Presentations and reports
Following the money: Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform en Route from Durban to Rio+20 – IISD’s Global Subsidies Initiative Report on FFFSR Durban Side Event.